UNCTAD 14 – Sustainable Transportation for Agenda 2030: Boosting the Arteries of Global Trade, 21 July 2016, Nairobi
Discussing sustainable freight transport is both timely and topical as the world community moves ahead with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (ASD) and the Paris Climate Change Agreement (COP21).
Bearing these considerations in mind, a Ministerial Round Table on Sustainable Transportation for Agenda 2030: Boosting the Arteries of Global Trade, was organized by UNCTAD, in collaboration with the SLoCaT (Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport) at UNCTAD14. A broad-based high level panel of stakeholders from the public and the private sectors, government, transport industry, the United Nations system, academia and regional development banks considered the concept of sustainable freight transport, shared its experiences in this field and reflected on the need for an international framework for sustainable freight transport.
All agreed that freight transport was a critical enabling factor of trade and development and that integrating the three dimensions of sustainability was an imperative. Challenges remain in the face sustainable freight transport and these span a broad-range of institutional, legal, financial, technology, and capacity-related considerations, including human capacity and skills. While economic considerations such as growth, connectivity and access, urban-rural linkages, efficiency, transport cost reduction, trade competitiveness and market integration constitute priority areas in the quest of sustainability, especially for developing countries, the co-benefits between the three dimensions of sustainability can, nevertheless, be significant and should be further leveraged to harness synergies and generate mutual gains. Multimodal transport and corridor approaches that build on cooperation between all players across the transport chain are essential for seamless trade and sustainable freight. In the same vein, rural areas integration into markets and supply chains and urban freight are rising as important considerations for the sustainability debate. With fast growing urbanization in particular, a systemic approach integrating urban planning and development on the one hand, and freight transport policies, on the other is of the essence.
Achieving convergence under a common framework may be difficult given the multiple stakeholders involved. Building the capacity to manage the varying perspectives and leveraging local initiatives, partnerships, innovation while, at the same time, scaling up investments are a pre-requisite for any such framework. To effectively move the national and regional agenda to relevant international fora, UNCTAD could, for example, act as an observer in relevant regional trade groupings in Africa to ensure a better appreciation of the local/regional situation. Partnerships, including public-private as well as collaboration between academia and government, best-practice sharing, and a broad agreement on performance outputs and metrics to underpin clear monitoring and reporting mechanisms would all help support a framework on sustainable freight transport. UNCTAD has a role to play in helping advance this work including by partnering with relevant organizations such as UN Habitat, SLoCaT, academia, governments, regional trade groupings and associations, and other like-minded partners to enable best practice sharing and to further cooperation in the field with the ultimate objective of supporting the 2030 ASD.
Concept Note
Information Note
Summary of Discussions
List of Speakers

Aunali Bhaiji
Regional Director, Development and External Affairs
Bolloré Transport & Logistics East Africa, Kenya
Mr. Aunali Bhaiji is the Regional Director Development and External Affairs at Bolloré Transport & Logistics East Africa since 2014. He has served in the industry for the last 40 years and has great experience in the clearing and forwarding sector. Mr. Bhaiji served as the Managing Director of Bolloré Africa Logistics Kenya Limited (from 2013-2014) and also served previously as the Deputy Managing Director of SDV Transami (Bolloré Grp). Mr. Bhaji has been elected as National Chairman of the Kenya International Freight Forwarders Association (KIFWA) in 2015 and was re-elected in 2016. He is also the Governor of the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) Board on Transport & Infrastructure, which is the voice of the Private Sector in Kenya in furthering the National Business Agenda.

Tom Boardley
Executive Vice President
Lloyd’s Register, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Tom Boardley was appointed Executive Vice President at Lloyd’s Register (LR) on the 14 March 2016, responsible for driving LR’s market influence across all of LR’s business activities and the development of a new External Affairs function.
From 2009 to 2016, Tom led the LR Marine business as its Director, responsible for worldwide operations, strategy and business development. Prior to joining LR in 2009, Tom had accumulated 30 years’ experience in the container shipping, ports and logistics business. Commencing his career with the container shipping division of P&O, originally trading as OCL and subsequently as P&O Nedlloyd, he held various management roles in the UK, Taiwan, Korea and Japan before being appointed as Director for Australia and New Zealand, based in Sydney in 1996. Tom left P&O in 2004, joining the Japanese shipping and logistic company NYK, heading their European operation.
Tom is currently the President of RINA (Royal Institution of Naval Architects). Previously, Tom was the President of the UK Chamber of Shipping (2015/2016) and appointed to the UK Maritime Growth Study Advisory Committee (DfT) in January 2015. Tom served as Chairman of IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) for the 2012/2013 year.
Highly regarded within the maritime industry, Tom has featured in the Lloyd’s List Top 100 People in Global Shipping and the Tradewind’s Power 100.
Tom is an engineering graduate of Oxford University and is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
Erik Bromander
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Sweden
Mr. Bromander is State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure, Anna Johansson, within the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. His area of expertise is infrastructure. Before accepting this post in 2014, Mr. Bromander has been Principal Secretary of the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications and has been working as Official for the Transport Division. He helds a Master’s degree in business from Stockholm University.

Carlos Gonzalez-Calderon
Research Associate
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the United States of America
Dr. Gonzalez-Calderon is a Research Associate at the Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment (CITE) and at the Volvo Research and Educational Foundation’s (VREF) Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY. His research focus includes freight transportation, freight modeling and economics, sustainable transportation systems, and transportation planning. At RPI, he has played a role in multiple research projects funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Cooperative Freight Research Program, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others.
Cornie Huizenga
Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), China
Cornie Huizenga is the Secretary General of the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), the largest multi-stakeholder partnership on sustainable, low carbon transport in developing countries. The SLoCaT Partnership promotes the integration of sustainable, low carbon transport in global policies on the post 2015 Development agenda and the post 2015 climate change policy discussion.

Aisa Kirabo Kacyira
Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary-General
Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira of the Republic of Rwanda is the Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary-General for UN-HABITAT providing critical leadership to promote sustainable cities and human settlements globally. Previously, Dr. Kacyira held various government positions including as Governor of the Eastern Province of Rwanda, Mayor of Kigali and an Elected Member of Parliament. Dr. Kacyira is also a former President of the Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities, President of the Eastern African Association of Local Government Authorities, and Vice President of the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa.
James Macharia
Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, Kenya
Mr. James Macharia is the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development in Kenya. His mandate is to provide strategic leadership to ensure that the Ministry develops operates and sustains world class transport infrastructure and services in line with the Government’s vision.
The transport sector in Kenya encompasses road, rail, air and maritime. The sector is crucial in the promotion of socio-economic activities and development since an efficient and effective, transport system is a mainspring for rapid and sustained development in terms of national, regional and international integration, trade facilitation, poverty reduction and improvement of welfare of the citizen.
The Housing and Urban Development sector promotes slum upgrading, construction of police houses, street lighting and urban development among others.
The Public Works sectors encompasses public office accommodation lease and management, maintenance of inventory of Government property, overseeing provision of mechanical and electrical (building) services and Supplies branch and coordination of of common user items among others.
The Maritime and Shipping sector involves promotion of maritime and shipping industry, marine cargo insurance, ship registration in Kenya among others.
Key projects under his stewardship: – SGR (Standard Gauge Railway) project, Mombasa port, airport expansion, Road, the LAPSSET development, and National Police Housing.
Prior to this appointment Mr. Macharia was Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Health where he oversaw implementation of key strategic interventions including the introduction of free maternity services, universal health coverage and innovative health financing structures e.g. the upgrading of 98 health facilities under the Managed Equipment Services concept.
Prior to joining government, Mr. Macharia had undertaken various leadership roles in the financial and banking industries, including the appointment as Group Managing Director of a listed banking institution. He has a diverse and illustrious career covering all major tenets of corporate management. This includes, inter alia, corporate finance, audit and tax consultancy in London (6 years), corporate and merchant banking, financial management, strategic planning and development, personnel and general administration.
Mr. Macharia is a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Certified Public Accountant with Institute of Certified Public Accountants; he holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and an MBA from Henley Management College, UK.

Amadou Oumarou
Director for Transport, Urban Development, and ICT
African Development Bank, Côte d’Ivoire
Mr. Amadou Oumarou is the Director for Transport, Urban Development, and ICT at the African Development Bank in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. He oversees an active portfolio of more than 120 projects in ports, railways, highways, airports, and telecommunications across the African continent amounting to about US$ 11 billion in lending commitments. He Joined the African Development Bank in 2001 as a Transportation Engineer and was a Division Manager prior to assuming his current position. Prior to joining the Bank Mr. Oumarou worked for almost a decade in the Private Sector in USA.