In this chapter we summarise the options that are currently being explored around the globe for the use of renewable energy for shipping and discuss the potential application for SIDS.
Key Themes: Retrofitting – Renewable Energy – Wind – Solar – Biofuel
There is a growing tide of research supporting renewable energy use for shipping. Renewable energy, including wind, sun, wave and biofuel/gas, has been identified in most studies as contributing to sustainable sea transport in the future. However, research and deployment for renewable energy in shipping lags significantly behind other energy use sectors. Near future efficiencies from renewable energy are most likely to be seen at the smaller ship scale travelling at slower speeds. With minimal investment, this is the sector that might provide the quickest results from renewable energy uptake, making these advancements of particular interest to SIDS. New technologies are making headway in the creation of vessels powered to varying degrees by renewable energies, however the characteristics of SIDS fleets means that the focus should be on retrofitting existing vessels with renewable energy capabilities.